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Chemistry Important Topics for JEE Main 2023- Edutoos

12 Jul, 2022, By Tanvi Sharma

Chemistry Important Topics for JEE Main 2023

JEE chemistry is considered the easiest and scoring subject for the JEE mains 2023. This is because the paper consists of more application-based and theoretical questions than questions that involve calculations. JEE chemistry decides the marks of the students. To be able to grab a seat in the top engineering institutions it is important to score high in the JEE mains 2023. Aspiring students in pursuit of scoring high are always puzzled by the question of what are the important chapters for JEE chemistry.

To ease your JEE mains 2023 preparation we have mentioned a list of all the important topics of JEE chemistry.


Important Topics of Chemistry for JEE Main 2023

The high-weightage chapters of JEE chemistry include:


                                 High weightage                                            

                                      Low weightage                                             


Mole Concept

p-Block Elements

Ionic Equilibrium

General Organic Chemistry

Solid State


s-Block Elements

Aldehydes and Ketones

Periodic Classification

Carboxylic Acids & Its Derivatives

Classification & Nomenclature

Atomic Structure

Alcohol & Ether

Gaseous & Liquid State

Nitrogen Compounds & Aliphatic Amines


Biomolecules & Polymers

Chemical Kinetics

Chemical Equilibrium

Nuclear & Surface Chemistry

Redox & Volumetric Analysis

Chemical Bonding


d-Block Elements


Coordination Compound

Qualitative Analysis

Alkyl Halides


Aromatic Compounds


Now that you are well familiar with the important topics and chapters of JEE chemistry. The next important thing you need to keep in mind while preparing for the JEE exam is how you can study for the JEE chemistry. 

To form a grip over the basic and advanced concepts of JEE chemistry we have suggested some of the best tips that will help you study for the same. 

JEE chemistry is divided into three parts namely organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Here is how you can top the JEE chemistry:

Ways to Excel in JEE Chemistry

Kick start with the basics

Be it any subject, for the JEE preparation, it is important to start studying with the basics. For this purpose, you can take the help of the NCERT textbooks. NCERT textbooks are crucial for the JEE preparation as these provide all the necessary information that is needed for strong basics. And to excel in the advanced level concepts it is important to have a good hold of the basics. 

Quality over quantity

Using too many reference books can make you bewildered about which topic to study from which book. This often leads to missing out of a few topics. Every student has a different level of understanding and hence you need to opt for books that are easy for you to understand. After the completion of the topic and chapter, prepare your own notes.

Mock test series are crucial 

To score high in JEE chemistry, the best tip you can adopt is to practice as many mock test series as possible. Mock test series are formed on the basis of an NTA paper pattern that gives an idea of the types of questions that come in the exam thus making you well prepared for the JEE mains 2023 exam. 

Revision is the key

While preparing for the JEE chemistry 2022 revision should be a regular process. You should not delay revision till the completion of the whole syllabus, you should keep revisions regular instead i.e after the completion of every chapter. The regular revision will help you retain all the information that you have studied before. 

Regular revisions help you with your weak areas and make them strong. It also gives you an idea of the topics that you are lagging at. 

A periodic table will get you desired marks

Before starting your JEE mains 2023 preparation, it is advised to form a large periodic table and paste it in front of your study desk. Memorizing and remembering the elements will help you find their physical and chemical properties. 

Learn formulas

Learning all the formulas of chemical bonding, kinetics, equilibrium, and radioactivity. Memorizing the formulae will save you enough time in the exam. It will not only reduce the calculations but will also reduce the risk of mistakes.

Focus on all 3

Make it a strategy to build a stronghold on all three parts of chemistry. It is important to have a good command of all three subjects to score well in the JEE mains 2023.


Is learning formulas enough for JEE main?

No, learning just the formulas won't help if you don't have your concepts clear. Not understanding the concepts efficiently will make it difficult for you to apply the formulas.

Can I skip organic chemistry for JEE?

No, it is important to study all three parts to secure a seat in the top IITs.

Is the JEE Mains formula based?

Yes, 5-7% of the questions in the JEE mains are direct formulas based come from physics and chemistry.

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