CBSE 2023 Syllabus Class 12- Check Subject Wise Syllabus
CBSE board exams are of vital importance and play a crucial role in shaping the future of the students. Due to the ongoing covid-19 variant the students could not attend the school, due to which the board changed the one year exam scheme to two-term in a single year. Now with the approaching year the board has decided to give way to the two term exam policy and has rolled back to its traditional mode of conducting exams. And thus with a change in the exam schemes there has been a change in the CBSE 2023 syllabus as well. To get the college of your dreams and to do that you need to score high. To score high you need to get well acquainted with the revised syllabus.
CBSE 2023 Syllabus Class 12
Following is a list of subjects to help you with CBSE 2023 syllabus:
CBSE 2023 syllabus: Physics
Unit | Topics | weightage |
I |
Electrostatics |
15 |
Chapter 1 |
Electric Charges and Fields |
Chapter 2 |
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance |
II |
Current Electricity |
Chapter 3 |
Current Electricity |
Magnetic Effect of Current & Magnetism |
16 |
Chapter 4 |
Moving Charges and Magnetism |
Chapter 5 |
Magnetism and Matter |
IV |
Electromagnetic Induction & Alternating Current |
Chapter 6 |
Electromagnetic Induction |
Chapter 7 |
Alternating Current |
V |
Electromagnetic Waves |
17 |
Chapter 8 |
Electromagnetic Waves |
VI |
Optics |
Chapter 9 |
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments |
Chapter 10 |
Wave Optics |
Dual Nature of Matter |
10 |
Chapter 11 |
Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter |
Atoms & Nuclei |
Chapter 12 |
Atoms |
Chapter 13 |
Nuclei |
IX |
Electronic Devices |
12 |
Chapter 14 |
Semiconductor Electronics |
X |
Communication Systems |
Chapter 15 |
Communication Systems |
XI |
Practical Work |
30 |
Total |
100 |
CBSE 2023 syllabus: chemistry
Units |
Topics |
Marks |
I |
Solid State |
11 |
II |
Solutions |
Electrochemistry |
4 |
IV |
Chemical Kinetics |
21 |
V |
Surface Chemistry |
VI |
Isolation of Elements |
p-Block Elements |
d-and f-Block Elements |
16 |
IX |
Coordination Compounds |
X |
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes |
XI |
Alcohols, Phenols & Ethers |
Aldehydes, Ketones & Carboxylic Acids |
18 |
Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen |
Biomolecules |
XV |
Polymers |
Chemistry in Everyday Life |
Practical Work |
30 |
I |
Volumetric Analysis |
10 |
II |
Salt Analysis |
8 |
Content Based Experiment |
6 |
IV |
Class record, project work & viva |
6 |
Total |
70 |
CBSE 2023 syllabus: Biology
Units |
Topics |
Marks |
VI |
Reproduction |
14 |
Genetics & Evolution |
18 |
Biology & Human Welfare |
14 |
IX |
Biotechnology & its Applications |
10 |
X |
Ecology & Environment |
14 |
Practical Work |
30 |
Total |
100 |
CBSE 2023 syllabus: Mathematics
Units |
Topics |
Marks |
I |
Relations and Functions |
10 |
II |
Algebra |
13 |
Calculus |
44 |
IV |
Vectors and 3-D Geometry |
17 |
V |
Linear Programming |
6 |
VI |
Probability |
10 |
Total |
100 |
Now that you are well acquainted with the CBSE online 2023 Syllabus Class 12, the next step towards scoring high in the CBSE board exam is to follow smart tips and tricks that will bring you closer to your dreams. The exams bring a lot of stress and anxiety among students to overcome this exam fear. We have some of the very practical tips that will help you score high in the CBSE exam.
Follow a schedule
Be it 10th boards exam, 12th boards or any competitive exam, every exam preparation demands the following up of a proper study schedule. Set daily targets and try to achieve them on a daily basis. Make sure to include your interest and hobbies as well in this time table.
Get familiar with the exam pattern
To get an idea of the types of questions that come in the CBSE 2023 exam paper it is essential to get familiar with the cbse 10th exam pattern. Knowing the exam pattern helps you with the type of questions that are asked in the exam and their weightage.
Solve previous question paper
Practicing previous years question papers will give you an insight into the real exam. When you are acquainted with the type of questions that come in the exam, the chances of you scoring high increases. It also helps you improve your speed and accuracy.
Take short breaks
While studying for long hours, take small breaks in between. Study for 40-45 minutes straight and take a 15 minutes break. Long hours of study can make you feel tired and hence it is essential to take small breaks. Small breaks will help you concentrate better. This tip will help you with CBSE 2023 Syllabus Class 12.
Stay healthy and fit
Healthy body helps to keep your mind healthy. To cover the CBSE 2023 syllabus well, it is important to take a healthy diet to keep yourself healthy. Practice meditation and exercise to keep your mind healthy.
Will there be CBSE boards in 2023?
Yes, there will be a CBSE board exam in 2023. The board has made several changes in the exam policy.
How many hours should I study in Class 10?
It is recommended to study for 7-10 hours for CBSE 2023 class 10th boards.
How can I top in the CBSE exam?
Following are the tips that will help you top CBSE exam:
Prepare a proper time table
Get acquainted with the syllabus
Prepare notes
Stay regular on revision
Practice previous years question paper
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