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Competitive Exam: Online Test Series for NEET

17 Aug, 2017, By Tanvi Sharma

Competitive Exam: Online Test Series for NEET

National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET), conducted to select students for medical and dental courses, is a competitive exam that requires a lot of hard work and dedication to get through. It is essential to get yourself enrolled at a good coaching institute if you are eyeing a top medical college. Besides being attentive in the class it is also essential to squeeze in enough time for self study. Another crucial part of NEET preparation is testing your knowledge regularly. While you can do so by indulging in group studies/ discussions every once in a while however solving online test series is a more effective way of doing so. Here is how online test series for NEET can help prepare better for your exam:

Competitive Exam: Benefits of Online Test Series for NEET

Here are benefits of giving Online Test Series during Competitive Exam

1. Identify Your Weak Areas

Testing your knowledge by way of online test series for NEET helps you figure out exactly where you lack as well as the areas you are good at. Identifying your weak areas is crucial as only when you know where you lack, you shall be able to work hard upon clearing your doubts and improving them. It is thus essential to grab an online test series and solve it regularly as you prepare for competitive exam.

2. Get an Insight into the Examination Pattern

Online test series for NEET is a great way to get an insight into the NEET examination pattern. This is because these tests are prepared exactly as per the NEET examination pattern. So you get to know as to how the paper is divided into different sections, the number of questions included in each section, the type of questions that form a part of the paper and whether there is any choice or not. Having prior knowledge about the examination pattern is always better rather than going clueless to the examination hall.

3. Hone Time Management Skills

When you have a clear idea about the examination pattern and have practiced the online test series for NEET a couple of times you understand approximately how much time you should spend on each section/ question in order to complete the paper on time. Thus, you are able to manage your time efficiently during competitive exam.

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4. Improve Analytical and Problem Solving Skills

The questions in the NEET exam are mostly twisted and tweaked to test your knowledge and hence merely studying the chapters and being thorough with the topics isn’t enough. The more questions you solve the more accurately and quickly shall be able to analyze the problems. It is thus a good way to improve your analytical and problem-solving skills.

5. Enhance Speed and Accuracy

Since the online test series are timed, you are bound to solve them more quickly unlike the other neet sample papers that you can sit around with for the entire day. These are thus a good way to improve your speed which is of utmost importance as you have plenty of questions to solve in 3 hours during the exam. As your analytical and problem solving skills enhance by solving these tests regularly so does your rate of accuracy which will help you in Competitive Exam.

Aristotle once said, For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them”. So keep practicing for your NEET exam by giving more and more of these online mock tests and you shall master the subjects as your exam approaches.


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