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NTSE Previous Question Papers with Answer key Pdf and Solutions

21 Mar, 2020, By Tanvi Sharma

ntse previous year paper.


If you are also one of the NTSE aspirants then you surely need to gear up your performance. If you want to see yourself in the top scorers then the best thing you can do is practice more and more ntse previous year question papers. Get the ntse exam question paper as they are very helpful in knowing about the exam pattern, syllabus and question pattern. One of the biggest perks of solving ntse last year question paper is that you can know about your preparation level. You can download ntse previous year papers pdf with the help of ETOOSINDIA, and get the assurance of good marks. ETOOSINDIA has got it all for you:

  • ntse stage 2 previous year papers
  • ntse previous year papers stage 1
  • ntse last 5 years papers
  • ntse 10 years papers
  • ntse exam last year paper



NTSE 2020 Exam Important Details 

Candidate can find the complete detail about NTSE 2020 exam date and detail.

Events Detail Stage-1 Date Stage-2 Date
NTSE Online Application Dates August 2019 No registration
NTSE Admit card October 2019 3rd week of April 2019
NTSE Exam Date November 03, 04, & 17 and December 1, 2019 May 10, 2020
NTSE Result Date January – March 2020 Last week of August 2020


NTSE Result 2020: The NTSE will be releasing the result 2020 in the month of august and the student can see the result online. The result is declared in the form of a merit list.

Benefits of Solving Previous Year Paper of NTSE

While preparing for any paper you need to pick up your leads and flaws so that you can work accordingly. Also, you need to plan strategies in the context of your weak points. All this can be easily done with the help of ntse exam previous papers. Also as you solve the ntse exam old question paper you can know about your question-solving capacity. You should try solving the paper in the specified time, in case you feel you are not able to match the time limit then you should cover more and more NTSE exam question paper so that you can improve your speed.

  • By solving the previous year question papers students can detect the trend of questions that are repeated in the exam. Also, it becomes easy for the student to analyze which topics should be given priority. You can get ntse previous year papers with solutions from ETOOSINDIA.
  • Students can easily get an idea about their shortcomings and can work on them to make their topic thorough. Download ntse previous papers with solutions so your time doesn’t get wasted in searching for the answers.
  • A student should work on time management skills, as many times it does happen that even after knowing all the questions the student finds it difficult to finish the entire question paper on time. If you download ntse previous question paper with answer, then you will be able to improve your speed. 
  • Always check your answers with the answer key and then compare your score with the NTSE cut –off. This will help you in knowing about your selection probability. If your score is less than the cut-off then you can put more effort into your preparation.