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How to Prepare for JEE Exam 2023? Top 10 Tips From an IITian

30 Jul, 2022, By Tanvi Sharma

How to  Prerpare for Jee Exam 2023

India has a long list of brilliant engineers who have contributed not only to India's economy but have also paved the way for the country’s success. These brilliant minds like Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadella, Nagavara Ramaroa Narayana Murthy, etc are an inspiration to many aspiring engineers. But it is not as easy as it looks. All of these engineers have worked day-in and day out tirelessly to accomplish their dreams to reach where they are today. 

Looking up to such amazing engineers around 13 lakh students apply for the JEE exam 2023 with an aspiration to see themselves in the same position as their idols. 

The JEE exam 2023 is highly coveted and to get to the college of your dreams you have to walk the extra mile. The competition is immensely high and multiple aspirants compete for a single seat in the IITs, NITs, and CFTIs. 

And even after being fully aware of the competition and difficulty level of the exam, lakhs of aspirants appear for the same but only a few are able to secure a seat in the top colleges. 

Now you must be thinking what is that tip that the toppers follow to excel in the JEE exam 2023? Well, to help you with that we have accumulated advice from recent toppers to aid your JEE preparation.

Given below are some of the topper tips that will help you crack the JEE exam 2023 in the most unchallenging way:

Toppers tips that will help to crack the JEE exam 2023

1. Plan a daily schedule

Having a well-laid timetable with clear-cut goals is vital for assured success. JEE preparation requires a lot of focus and for that purpose, it is important to follow a study schedule that distributes equal time to all three subjects. This is a common strategy that not only the JEE toppers follow but anyone fighting for the competitive exams

A timetable will help you keep a  track of time and following it rigidly will help you cover the vast JEE exam 2023 syllabus on time. While forming this timetable do not forget to add a daily set of goals. Accomplishing these goals daily will boost your confidence and will also improve your learning power. 


2. Eliminate the distractions

If your goal is to crack the JEE exam 2023 in a single attempt then the first thing you need to outcast is everything that is hindering your preparation like social media, video games, mobile phones, Instagram, or Twitter. Start spending your free time with nature, go for a walk. Distractions like these can lead you to procrastinate your preparation which can further reduce your chances of scoring high in the exam. 


3. EDUTOOS JEE test series to rescue

The simple answer to your question about what strategies do toppers adopt is lots and lots of practice. This is something that every ranker follows. If you are aiming at the JEE exam 2023 then practicing is the key. Practice as many JEE test series as possible, these JEE test series are designed on the basis of NTA paper pattern that gives you an idea of the types of questions that come in the exam and also helps you boost your confidence. 

If you are looking for the best mock test series then EDUTOOS is here to end your hunt. To make your JEE preparation easy we provide mock test series that includes assured unique questions, practice questions, mind maps, a flexible JEE test series schedule, customization of your test, and many other perks to make your JEE prep unchallenging. 


4. No doubt for later

While preparing for highly competitive exams like JEE each, every minute is important to cover the vast syllabus. While preparing such a vast syllabus it is common to have doubts but what needs to be taken care of is that you should focus on such doubts and work on them to clear the blur. 

Your ultimate guide to clearing the doubts is EDUTOOS, providing you with the best time-saver course to clear all your doubts and will focus on covering the vast JEE exam 2023 syllabus in no time. With a pool of brilliant teachers imparting education and a 74% success rate, this course is all you need to breeze through this arduous exam. Now with the time saver course, you can solve all your doubts with its excellent doubt solving and mentorship session. 


5. Work On Weak Areas

Being weak in some areas and strong in others is something everything student faces while preparing for  Jee exams 2023. Don't let the weak areas shift you towards anxiety, instead focus on these areas to strengthen them. Take guidance from teachers and experts to work on such areas. 


6. Stay cool and motivated

The high competition and the toughness of the JEE exam 2023 can demotivate you. But you should always remember your goals and keep your aim in mind focus on your studies. Your prime focus should be putting your 101% into the preparation and not thinking about the results. Keeping yourself out of the negative company can do wonders in your JEE prep 2023

Start your preparation with a positive attitude and the next thing you will witness is your success. 


7. The right books

Where most JEE students get confused is while selecting the right books . The stores are filled with with innumerable books that guarantees on providing the best study material for assured success. Selecting the right books is a complicated task, thus while selecting the books you should take guidence from your treachers or can search what books did the toppers chose that helped them ace the exam. Choose the books that are easy for you to understand and grasp. 


8. Quality over quantity

While preparing for the JEE exam 2023, how many number of hours you are studying for does’nt count but what counts is with how much concentration you have studied. 


9. Don’t rush while solving the question paper

Before answering any question, read the question carefully twice. Read the question paper correctly then plan your answers accordingly. 


10. Sleep is crucial 

As much quality of your preparation is important equality important is the amount of sleep you are taking. Sleep plays a vital role in keeping your mind active. Overexerting yourself will be of no help, to grasp better your body demands proper sleep. 



Is One Month enough to prepare for JEE exam 2023?

If you are focusing on cracking the JEE exam 2023 then it is important to start the preparation at least 15 months proper. 


Should I drop a year for JEE 2023?

If you have given JEE 2022 and weren't able to crack this time but are confident enough that you can make it in the next then you should go for an attempt. 


Do we need 75 in PCM for NIT?

To get admission to the IITs, NITs, and CFTs, it is important for the aspirants to score 75% or 20 percentile in the board exam.