Check NTA JEE Main FAQ 2023 by Experts (Frequently Asked Questions)
Check details regarding admit card release date, exam pattern, and other JEE Main FAQ here.
JEE Main FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Here are the list of questions of JEE Main FAQ
Whether NTA has changed the syllabus of JEE Main 2023?
Ans: One of the JEE Main FAQ is Is the syllabus of JEE Main 2023 changed? Answer is No. No, the syllabus of JEE Main 2023 will be the same as that of the last year. NTA has decided that there will be a total of 90 Questions in the JEE Question Paper and candidates will be required to attempt 75 questions only. There will be no negative marking for 15 optional questions.
What will be the advantages of Multiple Sessions in JEE Main 2023?
Ans: This will give multiple opportunities to the candidates to improve their scores in the examination if they fail to give their best in one attempt. Also, If anyone missed the examination due to reasons beyond control (such as the Board examination), then he/she will not have to wait for one full year.
Can candidates apply for one session or more than one session together?
Ans: Another JEE Main FAQ is Can Candidates apply for one session or more than one session together? Yes, Candidates have the option to apply for one session or for more than one Session together and pay the exam fee accordingly.
If any candidate did not apply for the first session, can he/she apply for the remaining session?
Ans: Yes, if any candidate did not apply for first Session, then he/she can apply for the second session. The application window will be re-opened briefly immediately after the declaration of the result of the first session.
When will mock tests be available from? How do access them?
Another JEE Main FAQ is when will mock tests be available and how to access it. JEE mock tests will be available online mode at the official website of NTA. The tests can also be downloaded by students who can work at their pace if they have a computer system. Students who do not have a computer may register and walk into any of the JEE Main 2023 practice centres that will be announced soon and will be able to practice every Saturday and Sunday.
How many attempts are there for JEE main?
Ans: In total there are three attempts for JEE main. The exam is conducted twice a year so the person gets 6 attempts.
When will the JEE Main 2023 result be announced?
Ans: JEE Main 2023 exam result will be released for all sessions at the official website .
When can I download the JEE Main admit card?
Ans: Another JEE Main FAQ is when can I download JEE Main Admit Card. The answer is the admit card is released by the NTA on its JEE official website, the admit card is released tentatively before 15 days of the exam. candidates can go through them and download their JEE Admit card
Whether a candidate has to fill up the separate Application Form for each session?
Ans: No, the candidate has to fill up one Application Form for all sessions. If he/ she fills up now, there will be only one Application Form. If he fills up now (for a few sessions), and chooses to fill up the application for the other sessions later, the same Application Form will be shown to him later on, once the Application Forms.
What is the last date of JEE Main 2023 registration?
NTA will notify the JEE Main 2023 registration last date later.
Studying from NCERT is enough for JEE mains?
Ans: Another JEE Main FAQ is Is NCERT Enough for JEE Mains so answer is NCERT is the basic, one need to gain command over NCERT if he/she wishes to score well in the JEE main paper. After finishing the NCERT the student can opt for other higher-level study material. EDUTOOS study material is also very good for JEE main preparation.
What is new in JEE Main 2023?
Ans: NTA will conduct JEE Main 2023 in two sessions. The exam will be conducted in 13 languages and there will be choices within questions in Numerical Value Questions as well. Also, there will be choices in Numerical Value Questions.
Can a candidate correct/ change his/her particulars including City of Exam Centre in the Online Application?
Ans: No, candidates cannot correct/ change his/her particulars including City of Exam Centre in the Online Application.
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