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How To Avoid Negative Marking In JEE Mains Exam? Strategies To Follow

05 Nov, 2022, By Tanvi Sharma

Avoid negative marking in JEE mains exam

The highly coveted JEE Mains exam is conducted each year to provide admission to aspirants in the top Engineering colleges of the country. Along with a vast syllabus, challenging formulas, and theories, what is even more challenging is the negative marking in JEE Mains.

First, let’s understand how the negative marking is done in the JEE Main exam

Well, in the case of the JEE Main exam 4 marks are added for each correct answer, and 1 mark is deducted for every incorrect answer. Your preparation will be ineffectual if you make silly mistakes, as a good number of your marks will be gone in negative marking that will impact your overall grade thus taking you far from your dream college. 

It is an imperative part of the JEE exam that you make certain to not commit any silly mistakes that will later lead to utter failure. To avoid Negative marking in the JEE Mains it is crucial to follow smart strategies that not only help you build up your grades but will also assist you in avoiding negative marking.

Strategies to avoid negative marking in JEE Mains 

To aid you in achieving better results we have prepared a list of smart strategies that will assist you in avoiding negative marking in JEE Mains: 

Be quick with decision making 

A major trick to ace the JEE exam is to have the tendency to tell whether you can attempt a question by taking a glance at it. Quick decision-making saves you a lot of time while taking the exam. You do not have to stick to a question if you cannot find the answer to it because you are not allotted a lot of time. The exam pressure can fill you with a lot of stress, try being calm and answer only by reading the question with focus. Attempt only if you are confident, don’t go making any hesitant guesses. 

Also Read: JEE Main Difficulty Level 2023

Read the question with full focus

A majority of students tend to commit this mistake. Due to a shortage of time, students often read the questions wrong and thus mark the wrong option. This leads to negative markings. The only way to avoid this is to read the questions with full focus.

Be attentive while marking the option

Students in order to finish the entire question paper in the given time limit try to be as fast as they can. This often results in marking the wrong answer in a hurry. To avoid negative marking in the JEE Mains it is important that you mark the answer with full attention. The options provided are closely linked and in such a case marking the wrong answer is usual. Make sure you keep this in mind and mark the right answer to avoid any deduction in marks. 

Also Read: Study Of PCM For The JEE

Time management is crucial

Time management is everything while preparing for the JEE Mains exam. How you manage time is of equal importance with the preparation. You can be better at managing time by giving ample time to practice. Practicing more helps you boost your speed and accuracy which will help you attempt the questions at a much faster speed in the exam thus keeping you up with the time limit. 

Make the smart guess

Not every question that is asked in the JEE Mains question paper requires to be solved. For some questions, you should learn the art of guessing and guessing the answers smartly.  This will save you time for the questions that require problem-solving and are a bit lengthy. 

Expertise in the subject

The preparation for the JEE exam involves being good at all the formulas, shortcut methods, theorems, and all the necessary information of all the chapters of all the subjects. If you are good at all these you do not have to rely on the guesswork all the time thus saving you from negative marking in JEE Mains. Being an expert in all the subjects will surely get you a good score.

Perseverance, patience, and a relaxed mind

Confusion, stress, and being in a hurry are some of the reasons that can lead you to mark the wrong answer thus the result is a deduction in the marks. The air of the exam hall can make you lose your calmness. But you need to understand that it is all in the calmness, only a relaxed mind is capable of performing better. A stressed mind will make you forget whatever you have learned and practiced over the years. Practice more and more and learn the art of keeping your mind relaxed to work your mind to its full potential.

Also Read: Best Learning Resource For JEE 2023

Remember that it's the small things that can either make or break your grades for the JEE exam. To avoid negative markings in the JEE Mains exam, these tips will assist you in performing better.


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